White Collar Crimes

Criminal Defense Attorney | Grand Rapids, MI

White Collar Crimes Attorney Grand Rapids, MIMost people aren’t aware that they’re being investigated for a white collar crime until they’ve been charged.

If you suspect you’re under investigation for white collar crime, call our criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Defense attorney Jerry Lykins has over 20 years experience and specializes in criminal law.

White collar crimes include:

  • Healthcare fraud
  • Bank fraud
  • Securities fraud
  • Mail and wire fraud
  • Money laundering
  • Embezzlement and theft
  • Identity theft
  • Tax evasion
  • Structuring
  • Copyright infringement
  • Postal Offenses

You should never underestimate the power agents have to build federal cases against you. In fact, the United States Attorney’s Office and federal agencies often build their cases in secret by using a grand jury. Witnesses can even be called to testify before you’re charged with a white collar crime. Our white collar crime attorney is aware of these tactics and will do everything in his power to aggressively defend your rights.

White Collar Crimes Attorney

Our white collar crime attorney understands that being found guilty means more than just giving up your freedom. Being investigated or convicted for white collar crime can be disastrous for your professional reputation, especially if you own a business. Fortunately, our defense attorney can be by your side through the entire process so you don’t say something that could be taken the wrong way by the wrong people.

To request a consultation with our Grand Rapids white collar crime attorney, call or text Jerry Lykins Law at (616) 540-0443.

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